Thursday, June 16, 2011

New to the "Blog" World

I decided to create a blog and share my daily thoughts with anyone willing to listen. As I wrote in my profile, I am a mother to two young boys both with different disabilites, different obstacles they need to over come. Not only my children, but me as their mother, their advocate, and finally their protector. I am the one setting the path for them in life to ensure they have a full life and experience what any other child would. Between caring for my children and their needs, I also work a full time job and have decided to follow a dream of my own, to become a novelist. This is what has been the hardest dream to persue. One would think, if you have an excellent story {plot, charechters, grammar, etc.} that an agent would just swoop you up and you would soon see your book, that you slaved over, sitting on the bookshelves around the world. I have come to find out, this is not true. After polishing, adding, deleting, editing, having people read it for you, all the way to perfecting a great Query letter, most agents send you back the dreaded "REJECTED" letter. You would think most agents would be on the hunt for the next best thing, the next best seller and blockbuster {not saying my work is any of that} but all the rejection responses are all generic. "Not looking for new clients, Too many clients to give my time to a new unpublished author." Just to name a few. So, in light all that's going on in my personal life {kids, working full time, and finally trying to get book one accepted to an agent so I can finish up book two}. I decided I would blog my life experiences and hope someone or anyone out there would take interest and join and add their two cents. I look forward to hearing from you! And this blog is open for any discussions.

*Yes, my grammar is horrible! You will notice this during my blogs, as my grammar is the last thing on my mind :)
Astrid Rose

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